Friday, December 28, 2012

Story Responses

The Earth on Turtle’s Back
In this creation story, you can sense a spiritual connection between the Native Americans who told this story and nature as a whole. The Natives believed in more mythical ideas whereas understanding nature in scientific way. These people only told stories of what they knew and there was nothing else to them that could shape the earth and make all the living things in it but by superior beings. These superior begins were the ancient sky chief and his wife who lived in Skyland.  From here the godly lady made earth with the help of animals in which “life on earth had begun”, the natives from my understanding not only worshipped various gods and spirits but also certain animals that they believed were sacred as well. Building tributes such as totem poles to honor animals, or wearing and showing off hides and feathers to show ones status and dominance within a tribe. I feel these type of spiritual ideas and bonding with nature have faded and now are more generalized as a whole perspective, like nature has bond with man whereas before the natives believed we must thank this creature plant or spirit/god for this and that and so on. 201

When grizzlies walked upright
In this tale about bear life before, you can also detect a bond with nature and its living things with a Native American spiritual believer. Although in this tale I feel there is a more moral or lesson type message along with the explanation of why bears cannot walk upright no longer. I feel the style of the story is very kid like, proving the theory that these types of Native American Indian tales were more told and passed down and not written, therefore made simple to be told to young ones. This excerpt of the story, “that’s why the ….” is one example of the simplicity and clarity of things and their creation. All these ideas and explanations of creation are no longer existent because a lot of nature and earth’s structure and making can now be proven through scientifically. As I said before these tales were simple for children and remind me of times now how parents explain things and creation with different tales to avoid an awkward conversation. Such as presents are given to children by “Santa Claus” is what they tell kids but that’s not true and is left open for curiosity and for children to believe it or not. 204

To build a fire
In “to build a fire” the story had a more poetic style, from the repetition of how cold it is and the flow of how the man strived to survive but in the end failed. I also enjoyed the twist at the end seeming to change the focus of the whole story with the dog turning to find more providers.  One also senses a lesson taught by the story of listen to warnings, this simple message was entertained throughout the entire story as the man who travels completes more mistakes. I really enjoyed reading this story because the scenery London portrays in his skilled writing. When he describes “a dim a little-traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland”, it’s a great visual effect he describes with during the story you can feel the adventure as well. I have read other works of London and noticed a major pattern of extreme detailing and imagery in his writings. Another pattern I have encountered is the setting Jack London writes in, they are usually cold and mysterious and often in the Yukon or cold places like Alaska, during the same time period. The way London shows nature is in its fiercest state and how nature can be beautiful but also deadly and a serious matter if not prepared. 217

Ralph Waldo Emerson addresses nature as a perfect environment one where there is a “perfect exhilaration” in my view I think there are those who still don’t believe in the beauty of nature and therefore not all agree with Waldo. One thing I do agree with Emerson is that nature can affect ones emotion and shift it at times too. When Emerson says “Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece,” it means that you could be in any mood when you experience nature for it will fit your mood. One way I like to witness nature or simply the outdoors is when I step out into the porch. I sit relaxed in a chair and just watch people walk by, read a book or even play dominoes with my dad, whatever it is I come outside I like to smell air. It’s my simple way to be with nature and escape from whatever goes on inside the house or anywhere. Emerson also states “yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight does not reside in nature, but in man, or in harmony of both” which goes back to my porch nature witnessing, I, in harmony me and nature sit and relax together each doing our part to keep it quiet and relieve ourselves to a state that is perfect. 230


William Cullen Bryant a confusing writer gives his view on death and an overall message that one should not fear death and in the end we all are equal. We all share the same resting place, “yet thine eternal resting place shalt not thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish Couch more magnificent”, with everyone that has ever lived from kings to a slave and criminal, we all share the earth. Bryant also has some ideas like not fearing death because it will come to you no matter what, and in the end we will have a majestic resting bed, for your resting place is the entire earth and nature that decorate and “adorns” you with great scenes and such. ''By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams”, Bryant not only says to not fear of death but face it peacefully as if you are willing to go. Willing to reach you final bed and have the world to yourself. I particularly did not like this poem as it was too confusing for the simple messages it held. 194.

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